including biometric and genetic

Biohacking often involves the collection of personal health data, whether through implanted sensors, biometric monitoring, or genetic testing. The GDPR governs the collection and processing of personal data, including biometric and genetic information. However, biohackers may exploit certain ambiguities in the GDPR, particularly regarding consent a

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the Protection of Human Rights

The Oviedo Convention, also known as the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine, is a crucial legal instrument in regulating bioethical issues. While not binding across all EU member states, it establishes ethical principles for biomedical research and medi

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At the extreme end of the biohacking

At the extreme end of the biohacking spectrum are individuals known as “grinders” or DIY transhumanists. These biohackers embrace invasive procedures, including the implantation of electronic devices (such as microchips) to enhance sensory capabilities or monitor health data. Their goal is often to transcend biological limits, entering the real

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Countries like Saudi Arabia

The advocacy of Arab nations for lifting sanctions reflects a growing regional consensus on the need to assist Syria’s recovery. Countries like Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Jordan have not only called for the easing of Western-imposed restrictions but have also shown an interest in participating in reconstruction efforts. In conclusion, rebuilding S

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Rebuilding Syria’s infrastructure

Rebuilding Syria’s infrastructure is a monumental task that must be prioritized by the new government following the fall of the Assad regime. After nearly 14 years of protracted conflict, the country faces an overwhelming challenge in restoring its basic services, industries and economy. The devastation wreaked by war has left much of Syria’s i

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